Wrist Moves for Computer Workers

If you’re starting to feel the effects of working too hard on your office computer – stiff hands, swelling or soreness, you need to seek medical advice. Musculoskeletal disorders can lead to time off work and all sorts of problems if left untreated. If you’ve had it checked out and it’s just a bit of muscle or joint soreness, try a few of these exercises to relieve any pain – and hopefully prevent it from coming back in the future.

Wrist Wrestling

For tension in your wrist and the pain that goes with it; clasp your hands and link your fingers. Squeeze your left hand with your right hand and rotate your wrists in a clockwise direction, imagine that you’re trying to draw circles with your hands and wrists. It can be a tricky movement to master but you just move one hand and let it move the other, then change direction and use the right hand to move the left in an anti-clockwise direction. Repeat until you feel your wrists start to loosen up.

Wrist Stretch

Carry out this stretch by straightening your arms out in front of you and pointing your palms outward, fingers linked. Stretch your hands and wrists away from you gently and then pull your hands upward toward the ceiling, keeping hands linked. Hold for about 10 seconds, rest and repeat until you feel the stretch start to have an effect.

Flexi Wrist

Bring your hands in front of you and keep your arms straight. Keeping your arms still, flex your wrist and point your fingers upwards. Hold for a few seconds and then flex your wrist to point your fingers downward. Repeat each position ten times.

Making Fists

Bring your hands in front of you, with both palms facing away from you. Stretch your fingers out and then close them, making a fist. Unclench and repeat 20 times to help relax your fingers if you’ve been working on a computer for a long period of time.